COVID-19 Guidance

Advice for Parents & Carers

The Learning Academies Trust has been closely following all communications issued from the Department for Education and the latest government advice regarding Coronavirus.To ensure you have accurate and up-to-date guidance, we will update this page with our any new or further information / guidance.

Please ensure you regularly check this page for any further updates.

Face Coverings
In line with Government Guidance please find below our current policy with regards to the use of Face Coverings in the primary school setting. Please note this is subject to change in line with Government Advice.

  • We have no issue with face coverings being worn by parents or pupils for dropping off or collection whilst outside the buildings but within school grounds, if this is part of the dropping off procedure at each school.
  • However “Face coverings” must be removed by children when entering the building and either taken away by the parent or placed in a sealable (ziplock type) bag. Please do not dispose of on site. This bag is then to be placed within the child’s school bag and then their hands sanitised  (or washed). The face covering must not be removed from the bag until the end of the school day.
  • Face Coverings must be worn by all parents if they are required to enter the school buildings at any time including the school reception area as is the norm in most other enclosed spaces.  Entry into the school buildings must be limited and by appointment or approval by school staff in advance.
  • School Contractors who would not normally attend the school setting will be required to provide a Risk Assessment stating their assessment of the need for face coverings with respect to social distancing etc. This will also apply to essential educational providers / services as well such as MAST, Ed Psycs etc.
  • Children will not be permitted to wear face coverings (including face shields) within the school buildings or grounds during the day. Should a staff member request one this will be referred to the Head teacher or Line Manager for discussion. In certain circumstances staff members may be permitted to wear a face shield following strict hygiene protocols
  • Staff are to remain within their school bubble as much as possible and record incidences where this is not possible including duration, date and time for any Contact outside their normal bubble greater than 15 minutes or less than 1 metre. This is to enable tracing of potential contacts to support the NHS Test and Trace process and be retained for 21 days and then destroyed.
