Ciara Moran
Ciara Moran
Ciara Moran has been Headteacher at Woodfield Primary School since 2011. Prior to that, she was a School Improvement Consultant for Plymouth Local Authority, supporting schools in difficulty, working with both Senior and Middle Leadership Teams across the city.
When Ciara joined Woodfield, the school had recently been graded Satisfactory with a further decline in standards at the end of KS2. Through hard work, determination and building a dedicated team, she was able to turn the school around and took the school from Satisfactory to Good in 18 months.
Ciara has since been designated as an LLE, working with the PTSA School to School support team. In this role Ciara has successfully supported colleagues in schools, which has in turn led to tangible improved outcomes for children.
Ciara is committed to improving the education and life chances of pupils in Plymouth, and recognises the opportunities and richness that collaboration can bring.